Fuel Up

Photo by Erik Mclean on Pexels.com

Here is the thing about emotions. You are not your emotions and you are not your thoughts.

The reason we identify with emotions is because they affect us physically.

They either enhance us or deplete us.

Let me share this analogy with you.

Do you have a car?

 Even if you don’t, you know that the most important thing before you go anywhere, is to get in and check your fuel indicator.

If it’s close to empty you don’t wait until the lamp turns on, you go fuel up right?

It’s the same with your thoughts and your emotions.

If you know that some emotions are draining you, you know it is your responsibility to fuel up.

And how do you fuel up?

You become aware of what fills your tank and what drains it. 

The way we feel is directly linked to the kind of thoughts we are entertaining.

So, find thoughts and therefore emotions that are adding to your fuel tank as opposed to allowing it to go empty.

Because the way you think is the way you feel.


There’s a Feng Shui saying which I love:

 “Birds don’t fly they are flown, they ride the wind, fish don’t swim they are carried by the water.’’

They allow the elements of nature air or water, to help them fulfil that which they are meant to be. 

Trees grow with the air, sun, water and soil they have available. Some even grow between stones in the most unexpected places. 

Flowers never ask, I need more sun, or rain to grow. They just grow with what they are offered by nature.

Why can’t we, humans, in the course of life, learn to trust and ride the wave of life as it comes to us?

Why can’t we just let life lead the way and be at peace knowing that it all happens for us?

Why can’t we use what we have and make the best of it, just like everything else that is part of nature?

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